Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about Byron and Middle Georgia? We’re here to help.

Where is Byron?

Byron is located in Middle Georgia, 100 miles south of Atlanta and 20 miles north of Perry, Ga., right along Interstate 75.

Are there places to stay in Byron?

Byron, Georgia has multiple national brand hotels and RV campgrounds found at or close to Exit 149. Follow these links to find more!

Where can I see the World’s Largest Peach Cobbler?

The World’s Largest Peach Cobbler is part of the celebrations each June during the Georgia Peach Festival. The annual week-long Georgia Peach Festival celebrates Byron’s and Peach County’s reputation as Georgia’s premier peach-growing region, and it is the only state-sanctioned food festival. Each June, activities are split between Byron and Fort Valley, attracting around 10,000 visitors to enjoy parades, concerts, arts and crafts, the Miss Georgia Peach pageant, and the World’s Largest Peach Cobbler.

What is there to do in Byron?

A lot! From Byron’s historic and charming downtown to all of the attractions in Middle Georgia, you’ll have a sweet time exploring the Byron area. Check these out:

Where should I eat?

Many of the restaurants in and around Byron serve up barbecue and Southern homestyle favorites, but you’ll also find Mexican, Chinese, seafood, all your favorite national fast food brands, and more. What are you hungry for? View our restaurant listings to see what Byron has to offer!

Or view some of the favorites!

How far is Byron from the Georgia National Fair?

Byron is 15 miles north of the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia, making it a convenient base of operations if you are coming to the Fair.

Find out what other events are near Byron, GA here!


How did Byron get its name?

Byron was incorporated by the Georgia Legislature in 1874 and named for the mayor’s favorite poet, Lord George Gordon (Noel) Byron.

Still have questions? Please contact us or drop in for a visit at the Byron Welcome Center at 209 Chapman Rd, Byron, GA 31008